New warehouse space, CityLiner trailers, a 50 per cent drop in complaints - these are Geis PL's key achievements in 2023. The group is expanding in the green transport sector and plans to steadily increase its share of the pallet transport market both in Poland and Europe. Despite the difficult months for the TSL industry, the company is not slowing down and announces further investments.
The past year brought many surprises for entrepreneurs. The TSL (i.e. Transport, Forwarding, Logistics) industry was no different. The sector had to cope with high inflation, rising energy prices and wage pressures. On top of this, turbulence in the fuel market and significant legislative changes. Despite the many challenges, Geis continued to grow and, in line with its strategy, expanded its fleet and warehouse space.
- Poland is becoming an increasingly competitive market for the transport industry, which is due not only to internal demand or exports, but also to the growing share of international transport. Our distribution vehicles, not including full-load deliveries, covered 25 million kilometres in 12 months, and linehaul vehicles covered 20 million kilometres. As a result, we delivered nearly 2 million shipments with a total weight in excess of 400 million kg. The beginning of the year promises to be just as busy at Geis. Further legal changes for the industry are also on the horizon. One of these is the planned introduction of e-CRM, the electronic consignment note. We ourselves have a number of ambitious tasks ahead of us, among them investments in modern transport technologies with lower emissions, adds Adam Kwiatkowski - Vice President of Geis PL.
Last year, the group decided to extend the lease agreements for warehouses in Poznań and Bydgoszcz. The warehouse space in Kraków was increased by several hundred m2, with the possibility of further expansion. Currently, Geis in Poland has 19 transhipment warehouses with a total area of over 52,000 m2.
One of the key projects in 2023 was the introduction of four CityLiner trailers to the transport fleet. These allow the loading of as many as 27 pallets each and, thanks to their design, can freely drive into narrow streets in urban areas. This makes it possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the number of cars circulating in conurbations. What's more, by increasing the payload capacity of single shipments, it is possible to optimise the cost of delivery prices.
- Last autumn, the European Parliament's Environment Committee approved a plan to increase the transport industry's CO2 reduction requirements. Under the new provisions, it is to be reduced by 45 per cent by 2030, by 70 per cent by 2035 and by as much as 90 per cent by 2040. These are ambitious targets that require radical changes across the sector. Although we had already thought about trailers of a new type, the Commission's decision has confirmed that we have taken the right steps. Our CityLiners can already be found around Stryków and Grodzisk. They will then appear on the streets of Bydgoszcz, Tychy, Warsaw and Gdańsk. By the end of the third quarter of this year, we plan to have at least 25 such trailers in our fleet," adds Paweł Golec, Geis PL's Operations Director.
Another step towards reducing our carbon footprint is the complex optimisation of the process of returning damaged shipments. To this end, teams were set up last spring to minimise the number of complaints and reduce the risk of transport damage. The first results are already visible - the number of returns has fallen by as much as half a year.
The Geis Group has more than 70 years of experience in the TSL industry. It offers a wide range of services, from simple transport solutions to complex logistics projects by sea, air and land throughout Europe. On the Czech and Slovak markets, Geis is a leading general cargo operator. In Poland, the first trucks with the Geis logo appeared in 2016 and since then the company has been successively strengthening its position in the pallet transport segment.