Please be advised that in March 2025 the fuel surcharge value for Geis PL customers is 23%. The average value of the fuel price in February 2025 was: PLN 4945,86/1000l.
The value of the fuel surcharge index is calculated at the end of each month by comparing the average price of 1m3 of EKODIESEL Diesel Oil published by PKN Orlen for a given month to the average price from the base month. The calculated rate is valid for the following month.
The base price was the cost of 1 m3 of diesel oil in the amount of PLN 2,648.00, the average fuel price from March 2009, calculated on the basis of data published by PKN Orlen. GEIS PL Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to automatically adjust prices in the event of changes in the wholesale price of fuels. The fee rates will be verified on a monthly basis.
Monthly wholesale price (in PLN za 1m3 of diesel) |
Fuel Surcharge |
Under 2700 | 0% |
2700 - 2799 | 2,5% |
2800 - 2999 | 5% |
3000 - 3299 | 6% |
3300 - 3399 | 7% |
3400 - 3499 | 8% |
3500 - 3599 | 9% |
3600 - 3699 | 10% |
3700 - 3799 | 11% |
3800 - 3899 | 12% |
3900 - 3999 | 13% |
4000 - 4099 | 14% |
4100 - 4199 | 15% |
4200 - 4299 | 16% |
4300 - 4399 | 17% |
4400 - 4499 | 18% |
4500 - 4599 | 19% |
4600 - 4699 | 20% |
4700 - 4799 | 21% |
4800 - 4899 | 22% |
4900 - 4999 | 23% |
5000 - 5099 | 24% |
5100 - 5199 | 25% |
5200 - 5299 | 26% |
5300 - 5399 | 27% |
5400 - 5499 | 28% |
5500 - 5599 | 29 % |
5600 - 5699 | 30% |
5700 - 5799 | 31% |
5800 - 5899 | 32% |
5900 - 5999 | 33% |
6000 - 6099 | 34% |
6100 - 6199 | 35% |
6200 - 6299 | 36% |
6300 - 6399 | 37% |
6400 - 6499 | 38% |
6500 - 6599 | 39% |
6600 - 6699 | 40% |
6700 - 6799 | 41% |
6800 - 6899 | 42% |
6900 - 6999 | 43% |
7000 - 7099 | 44% |
7100 - 7199 | 45% |
7200 - 7299 | 46% |
7300 - 7399 | 47% |
7400 - 7499 | 48% |
7500 - 7599 | 49% |
7600 - 7699 | 50% |
In the event of an increase in the average price of diesel in the PL above the highest value in the table, the fuel surcharge will be increased by 1% for each PLN 100 increment.
From March 1st 2023 the road correction is: 9.50%.
From November 1st 2024 the road correction is: 11,24%.
The charge is a percentage added to the base freight rate (i.e. basic service) Geis PL reserves the right to change the method of calculating the Toll and update its amount due to the increase in the number of toll roads and the costs of their use.
The value of the Road Toll is also a derivative of the geographical structure of shipments carried in the Geis PL network. Details on this fee can be found on the website of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.
We also invite you to contact the customer service department at: +48 22 212 28 00, our sales department or the Contact tab.
Please be advised that in March 2025 the value of the international fuel surcharge for Geis PL customers is 13%. The average value of the fuel price in January 2025 was: EUR 818,29/1000l
The value of the fuel surcharge index is calculated at the end of each month by comparing the weighted average price of 1 m³ of Gas oil automobile Automotive in the European Union, based on the study - CE / EC / EG EUR27_2020 (IV) Weighted average - Gas oil automobile Automotive for previous month.
The calculated rate is valid for the following month.
Fuel surcharge for international groupage shipment (in EUR / 1000 l) |
Fuel Surcharge |
1901 - 2000 | 45% |
1801 - 1900 | 42% |
1701 - 1800 | 39% |
1601 - 1700 | 36% |
1501 - 1600 | 33% |
1401 - 1500 | 31% |
1301 - 1400 | 28% |
1201 - 1300 | 25% |
1101 - 1200 | 22% |
1001 - 1100 | 19% |
926 - 1000 | 17% |
851 - 925 | 15% |
801 - 850 | 13% |
751 - 800 | 11% |
701 - 750 | 9% |
651 - 700 | 7% |
601 - 650 | 5% |
551 - 600 | 3% |
451 - 500 | 2% |
401 - 450 | 0% |